Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Promises have been broken
Oaths I swore upon my own flesh
Your heart I have broken again
How long will I continue doing this?

My heart bleeds
My soul cries out
The stench of my deeds emanate everywhere
The vileness choking the life out of me

All pride is stripped away
All of me bared
There is nothing left unseen
All nooks and crannies of my being exposed

Apologies are not enough
For forgiveness has already come
A change of heart is what is needed
To bring me back to You

How do I change something so callused?
How do I bring back something that is lost?
Where am I to find redemption
When I threw You love out the door?

Nothing I can offer will be of worth
Indeed, there is nothing I possess
All I have is my soul
Broken, battered, smashed into a million pieces

Every wrong thing I do
Brings the lamb back to the slaughter
Many times have I pierced Your side
But You refuse to abandon me

I fall upon a puddle of tears
Yet even as I shed water, You have offered blood
I cry out for all the wretchedness in my life
Yet Your own life was given for me

When will I get rid of my selfishness
To realize that it never has been about me
But all for You who washed me clean
Love was executed for freedom

Your blood sealed me whole
As firmly as the nails bound me to You
You have taken me back as many times as I have fallen
A Father taking His prodigal child back in His arms

No words can say how much I need You
Nothing can express how much I love You
I am nothing without You
Take me back into Your arms

Everytime I turn to You
You wash my slate clean with Your blood
Wiping it with Your own flesh
And I fall down on my knees again

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Things To Be Thankful For This Week

1. For my upcoming birthday (Thank You for 19 years!)
2. For the Manny Pacquiao victory (I hate boxing, but it's a Philippine victory)
3. For the upcoming Singles event
4. For those who will be able to attend that Singles event (let Your will be done!)
4. For not having our Crim Law class on Saturday, so I won't be worrying about it Friday night
5. For the take-home exam for Crim, and the one-week period to work on it
6. For the advance warnings You give me on days I get called for recitation (haha! this one's very true!)
7. For letting me still have my moments where I can enjoy nature
8. For the lovely people in my life who makes it less dreary, especially those who are continually bringing me close to You whether they know it or not
9. For the peace that You gave me that no turmoil can overcome
10. For Your great love, devotion, and faithfulness. Words can't express just how much I love You and how much I am thankful that You brought me to You

Thank You, Lord, for everything. I love You so much.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

John Doe

Who are you?
To take my heart away
As surely as you took my breath away

Who are you?
To make me long to see your face
As much as I want to hear your voice

Who are you?
To make me sing with joy by the mere thought of you
As much as I want to dance upon seeing you

Who are you?
To make my eyes fill with tears
As much as to fill my heart with joy

Who are you?
To make me hope for something unseen
As though I had an assurance of your love

Who are you?
Who are you?


My voice breaks through the fog
Transcends over the mindless noise
As steadily and as surely it rises from the loud silence
To reach the highest heavens in praise

My eyes penetrate the thick darkness
Pierces through the shadows on the walls
The clouds of blindness fall away
To see the most brilliant light they could ever perceive

My hands and feet cross the driest deserts
Climb to the peaks of the highest mountains
All the pain and tiredness of the journey fade away
Upon the great beauty of destiny

I soar like the greatest eagles
Swim like the swiftest dolphins
My being drawn inexorably to you
By Love's gentle pull

[As surely as You call
So my soul responds
What can make me filled more than this
Than by Love's sweet embrace]

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Due Process in Everyday Life

“The closed mind has no place in the open society.”
- Cruz, J., Ynot v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 148 SCRA 659

We have just about finished discussing the due process clause of the Philippine Constitution in our Constitutional Law II class. Considering that there is only one provision in the 1987 Constitution, it’s quite interesting to note that this obscure term encompasses quite a broad field of topics. Heck, in our class syllabus, it’s the section that covers the most areas (and paper space, almost two full pages devoted entirely to it). Anyway, going back to the provision, it states that, “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws” (Art. III, Sec. 1 of the 1987 Constitution). In essence, it says that no person can be hanged without trial. Doesn’t sound vague, doesn’t it? However, you would be really surprised just how many cases have due process as its main issue, and how many others having it on the side (with mashed potatoes and gravy, if you please). A huge source of the problem is that sometimes, it really is quite hard to decide between the interests of a single person versus the interest of the State, or, as they claim, the greater good. Both are equally weighty, but since there are supposedly more people on the latter side, the scales usually tilt in their favor.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about this, whether an individual right can always be sacrificed for the greater good. That’s the whole idea of the social contract theories. Even if it divides into various directions, it generally states the same thing: that each individual has to surrender a bit of personal freedom for the society. Salus populi est suprema lex and sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas. The subordination of individual interest to the benefit of the greater number. While everyone else will greatly advantage the larger group, what about that other person? Is it right to deprive a person of what is due him just so others can benefit at his expense? I’m not here to be an activist for selfishness, but doesn’t that person have an inherent right, too, the same as everyone else’s? Think about it this way: if a ship filled with people gets marooned in some far-flung island, would it be right to murder one of their number (which would probably escalate as time passes) to serve as food for the others? When you get down to it, that’s still murder, no matter how many stomachs that poor person filled. I suppose it wouldn’t matter if that person gave that right willingly, but what if it was forcibly taken from his hands?

On the flip side, wouldn’t that person be so incredibly self-centered that he would go about brandishing his rights about, while knowing that everyone else is suffering? In the social contract theory, the individuals surrender a chunk of their rights to enjoy something greater: peace and harmony in the society. That’s why criminals and felons are punished, because they stand to threaten something that a large number of people have subscribed to, and not without their expense. Can a person just flaunt that he is enjoying something, knowing all the while that he is directly running over other people’s interests? Can an individual continually assume that his rights are always ascendant over other persons, to the extent that that would be the only thing he would be pursuing, and disregarding whether he breached others’ rights? Would it be right for a person to take justice in his own hands and be a crusader for what he believes in, to the extent that he is practically shoving down his beliefs, which might not possibly be completely right, down everyone else’s throats?

If due process were to be strictly enforced in society, we all would have broken it, and possibly in every day of our lives. We automatically judge something or someone without even giving it/them the benefit of doubt, assuming that our perceptions are right just because. But the thing is, what we see might not necessarily be what is real, what is true. We believe in what we want to believe, and when it gets disproved, our world would feel as though it collapsed. I think it’s the pride in us that’s talking a lot of times. It’s one of those brash things about humanity that just makes us disgusted with ourselves, but does not prevent us from doing it anyway. We choose to go with people when their opinions are relatively the same as others. However, if we see something wrong in that, we see them in a negative light that has the danger of being a stigma which cannot be removed easily. Alternatively, a society accepts those that follow its own traditions and beliefs, but if an individual acts contrary to that general construct that that circle is following, he becomes in danger of being treated as a pariah. In short, we hang people (at least in our heads) just because their thoughts do not always coincide with our beliefs. In plain speaking, “bad shot na siya sa iyo.” We tend to forget that we are called individuals precisely because we are individuals, that is, we really are quite different from each other. We can’t expect others to feel the same way that we do, to think the same way we do, to act the same way we do. Each person will always be different. There might be some things that a couple of people have in similarity, but most probably, there is a greater difference between them. I think that’s what makes people interesting, don’t you think? If people were like you in every possible way, wouldn’t that be incredibly boring? I mean, it would be as good as talking to yourself – hold on, it would really be talking to yourself. But seriously, everyone’s different because everyone’s special in that way. Whether a person belongs to a group, or goes by himself, God loves them just the way they are. That’s where my musing started. Which would He prefer, the individual right, or the greater number? Personally, I don’t think He’d choose sides. He wouldn’t choose the group to be the party that he would love just because they’re many-er (fine, more in number). On the other hand, He wouldn’t really choose a single person with prejudice against the group just because that person is alone. First of all, thinking about one’s self is just contrary to what He teaches. As Marley said in her recent entry, we’re called to be losers for Christ. It’s not about who is superior or inferior, as the brothers James and John found out in Mt 10:35-45. In the end, He loves all of us, and for me, that’s all that matters.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006



Another year has come and gone but nothing's changed
I've wasted another year doing the same old things
I want to break out of this and turn my life around
I'm going to make a vow to repent an turn to you.

I'm crying out to you now as I make my new year's vow
I'll tell you I love you and I'll honor you somehow
Hear my promise to you in this new year's vow
I give You all of me
You'll be all of my life and I'll never think twice to do all that you have for me
In my new year's vow

Lord I'll do my best to do, all that I say
I'm not perfect but I know, that's OK
If I stumble you won't condemn my shame
I'm going to make a vow to repent an turn to you

It's a new year this year is different
From the other ones...