Wednesday, November 09, 2005

You know the country is going to the dogs when...

A news item about a person included the testimonials he received from his friends on Friendster.

Only in the Philippines.


Marley said...

Who is this shobs?

Z said...

Oh my gulay! Beat me huh? I don't even have friendster. Golly gosh

jarletofclay said...

Yeah, guys. Seriously. Watched the news a couple of nights ago and this is what they delivered. They showed the testimonials given to one of the guys who were shot to death by some policemen allegedly for carnapping.I would love to say I'm kidding, but unfortunately, I'm not.

Marley said...


talk about "extensive research"


jarletofclay said...

I know! They could have interviewed the friends or family of the victim/suspect (whichever way you're looking at the situation), but no. They just had to make like a stalker and check the guy's Friendster account.

Marley said...

maybe they were trying out the "anonymous" feature of the site :p