Friday, August 12, 2005

A Vicious Cycle

It's interesting that even if this has been the busiest I've been this semester, it's the most time I've spent online, especially in updating my blog.

Anyhow, these last couple of weeks, I've been thinking about why my professors are mean to us. From the interview orientation we had before we got accepted, to the actual orientation program for Freshmen, they have said the exact same thing: they're doing it because they want to prepare us for "the real world," which they say is infinitely tougher than they are. That statement just made me think of a question that has been nagging at me until now: is the training for the "real world," or is the "real world" a result of all the training? Yes, it is a bit like the chicken-and-egg question, and I admit that maybe I might just be trivializing over things. However, I can't help but think that maybe the real world won't be as tough as it is right now if the students haven't been trained as such. It's turning into a vicious cycle, because students right now (at least in my college) are being taught to be as tough as nails, and as sharp and deadly to boot (especially if these are rusty nails, what with tetanus and everything).

I've been thinking of the age-old jokes about all lawyers going to hell, and I thought before that that was a bit harsh, because I only took into account the stereotypical image: that of the lying lawyer. Actually encountering lawyers almost everyday of the week is an eye-opener, because the lying part will be thrown out of your minds (besides, decent lawyers actually follow the oath they take before entering the profession). What will replace that is the thought of who they actually are - or at least, what they appear to be - and their image is also not pleasant. They're not as tough as nails - they appear to chew nails for breakfast, and then grab nuts and bolts for lunch! I'm courting a libel case as I say this (but since I'm not giving names, I think I'm relatively safe), but these people seem to be so hardened that they seem to be almost heartless. These are the same people who can go and discuss a case of rape or murder without blinking an eyelash. Some of the more unscrupulous ones are those who can lie between their teeth, even if evidence contradicting the very things they are saying are right under their noses in court. I have professors right now who scare me out of my wits. Whenever they call me for recitation, I end up being petrified, not only because I don't want to give the wrong answers to them, but also because I am just frightened of them, especially since they can turn really nasty to students.

Yet it amazes me just how God's Grace works. When before I would go and curse my professors into oblivion (in my mind anyway), I haven't done that. Instead, I end up praying for them, as well as for others in the profession, to not be so hardened so as to be blind about good things in the world, especially of God's love. To ward off any misunderstandings, I'll make one thing clear: I am definitely not saying that my professors are un-Christian and/or atheists or agnostics. It's just that to a certain degree, lawyers really do need to be tough to stay in the profession, but it doesn't mean that they don't need God and that they are sufficient by themselves. No. Everyone needs God.

Dear God, I pray for the people in the profession. May they not be so hardened as to stop being compassionate and sensitive, especially of Your Love. May their hearts be softened, Father, and might they see You as their goal, and may their actions be done for Your Glory.


Z said...

Keep writing. I wrote more last year when I was doing my thesis (nearly everyday) than I do now that I'm not stressed with anything hehe :)

I pray the same thing for these lawyers. God bless!

Marley said...

Don't lose hope for the law profession. Like what you said, it's the stereotyping that's tainting the profession and I believe and hope that there are more good than bad lawyers :)

as for blogging, all study and no blogging makes melanie more neurotic as she is now :p

jarletofclay said...

as for blogging, all study and no blogging makes melanie more neurotic as she is now :p

haha! good point.:p as if i need help for that to happen.:p