Friday, August 05, 2005

Vacation that is not a vacation

My cousins and aunt from San Diego visited here, but alas, they left last night already. *sniff*sniff*sniffle* It's quite sad, really, because unlike the previous times they visited (or we visited, whichever) when we spent almost all of our time together, this time was different, because I was in school and wasn't able to go to almost all of their trips. Seriously. The first week they were here, I didn't see them at all (along with the rest of my family) because they went to the Visayas. I only snuck to the Batangas-Taal trip with them, even though I had tons of readings (bad, I know, but my realization that family comes first can be read in an earlier entry -- shameless plug :p). I truly thank God I wasn't called for recit this week. Otherwise, I'm dead.:p
The trip was actually quite funny. We were originally supposed to go to Puerto Galera, but the owner called us and said that we wouldn't have any guarantee of coming back to Manila by Sunday because the waves were huge. So fine. We went to Batangas instead. However, the only experience that we have had with the sea was the boat ride, because the waves were also pretty big. So, bottom line was...
we went to the beach to go swimming in the pool.

Another funny thing that happened during their stay here was that my finger almost got torn off from my hand. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but something did happen to it: my brother shut the car door HARD without realizing that my hand was in the way. Squish! Finger suddenly turns from pink to purple in a few nanoseconds. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Mark consoled me by saying, "Don't worry, that happened to me too. That's why I don't lean on the side of the car doors anymore." Right. Thanks. My only consolation was that we weren't using the van then, otherwise I would have had my entire arm amputated by now.

Still sad, though. Didn't get to spend as much time with them as I wanted to. Wish I went and had decent conversations with them when I had the chance.

Oh well. There's always next time.

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