Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Three-ringed Tent

One of the saddest things for the Filipinos is when they find out that the rest of the world is laughing at them. Mayhap I will be charged for libel or whatever for my next statement, but I'm going to say it anyway: this country is going to the dogs. Honestly. The Philippines right now is a veritable circus. Since way before, I find it contemptible for showbiz people to enter politics, but it is only now that I realize the full import of it. Think about it: the entire state will be subjected to a bunch of rules made up by a bunch of people who only know how to play make-believe on-screen. It's no better than getting a bunch of kids as part of Congress, because there is hardly any difference except for the fact that children are innocent, which is something I cannot readily say about those who are in position. I have to admit, there are personalities who are able to take care of their constituents, but we have to admit, their number is miniscule compared to those who actually don't deserve to be where they are now.
To be honest, the whole country is turning into a huge soap opera, and it's not only because of the showbiz people. People are backstabbing each other, good guys are indistinguishable from the bad guys, people keep jumping ship (wait, that's the station wars)... The media actually plays an amazingly huge role in all of these, because what I noticed is that Filipinos have a huge tendency to absorb what the media is telling them, without benefit of thought. My course in college is media-centered, but even I have to admit that there is a lot of work that needs to be done with what we have right now. I took an FX to go home yesterday, and the news was filled with the impeachment proceedings against the Chief Executive. I was eager to hear what's going on with the world (or at least the country) as I don't get to catch the news anymore now, but I was dismayed with what I heard. Instead of knowing about what happened in Congress that day, all I heard was gossip between who verbally attacked whom, who made him/herself sound like a total idiot, etc. A very tiny bit was devoted to what actually happened. All else was just clutter in the airwaves. The country is on the verge of a civil war, with people taking to the streets almost everyday, the Head Honcho of the Philippines is on the verge of being booted out of her position, and all the media could focus on are the personal insults being traded between the people. Talk about argumentum ad hominem to the maximum.
What I got after sorting and sifting through all that useless stuff presented on-air took me by surprise. Contrary to what i expected, instead of the Opposition uniting since they have one common goal, they have actually fallen apart. The two major players of that side, who were thisclose the past few years, are suddenly verbally wrangling each other. Other Opposition people don't care about the impeachment, as they themselves admitted, because as they said, why would they want to impeach someone who's not the President to begin with? I honestly have no idea what to respond to that.
Before you come up with ideas, no, I am not pro-Opposition, but I also am not pro-Administration, at least not for the moment. I was raised to lean more on the latter compared to the former, but I have to admit, these past events are slowly making me turn away from them. Nakakawalang-gana. To think that these people are supposed to take care of the country, when they can't even take care of themselves and of their constituents.
Rallies are by Batasan almost everyday now. I see them when I go to and from school. What disturbs me is that a huge amount of those who are protesting are kids. Not youths from high school and college. I mean kids. I saw one who looked like he was 6, and there were no parents anywhere in sight. That made me think too: do they even know why they're there to begin with? Do they know what they're fighting for? Or are they there just because it's the "in" thing, or because they were paid to take to the streets?
Everything's just so messy now. People can always go and say that they'll migrate to another country when things go bad, but is that a really lasting solution? Even theoretically speaking, that's an impossibility, because to even imagine all of the Filipinos leaving behind the Philippines is ridiculous. Realistically speaking, not everyone has the means available for them to migrate. Like it or not, this is OUR country, and it's the only one we've got, so we really have to take care of it. I've said it once and I'll say it again: I am not a nationalist. Far from it. But come on. Even the most cynical Filipino has got to be worried about our state right now. Let's not get too focused on our personal concerns that we don't realize that the world around us is falling apart.

One of the best sermons I've heard for the longest time was the one about Luke 9:23: taking up one's Cross to follow God. The priest said that God allows us to experience pain so that we might be sensitive of God in our lives, and sensitive of others, to know that they are also in need and are hurting. Our pain enables us to empathize with theirs, which allows us to be compassionate to them, and equips us so we might reach out and comfort them. A saying goes, "No man is an island," and that is the honest-to-goodness truth.

Heavenly Father, I pray for healing for this land. May the hearts of people be sensitive, Lord. Might they see not only with their eyes, but with their hearts, souls, and minds be open to the pain of others and not only to their own. Might they see reflected in others Your pain, Father, that they might know You too. Might they stop blaming each other for whatever has happened, but instead take personal responsibility. Father, I pray for the people, especially for those who are hurting. Might they not turn against You, Lord, and instead seek You all the more.Might those who are in position seek not to serve themselves, but to live for You and to glorify You by fulfilling their duties honestly, and according to Your Will. Might this turmoil teach us that You alone are God. I pray, Father, that whatever may happen, may Your Will be done.
I lift all these up to You in Your most precious name. Amen.

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