Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Light was shown, allowed inside
Basking in such amazing love
Yet time passes, and I find myself
Falling from the same rocks I stumbled upon.

Believing in myself, confident in my strength
I find myself falling fast and hard
With no guarantees of a soft landing
Looking back at You, I find sorrow.

I am weak, Father, and completely unwise
Trusting my own intelligence, I become a fool
Secure in my abilities, I flounder
Pride eating up my soul, forgetting where security lies in

Time and time again I fall
The epitome of human downfall
Yet time and time You sustained me
Crucified, You lifted me up

I am Yours, Father, my Sure Foundation
You've set me free from things strangling me
Teach me to let go, to surrender
All that is binding me, keeping me away

May I find strength in You
Might I realize Your Majesty
Might I see that it is You who reigns
Might I find refreshing in You.

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