I went to the Ateneo during the weekend to check something out. Even though I was alone there, I had so much fun walking around, taking snapshots of just about anything and everything with my mobile phone (explains the low quality of the pics, but it's fine). Even though some of the photos pixelized, it's still ok. I wasn't there to go and take decent shots, I just did it for the sheer heck of it.:P I would've taken more, except that my phone died on me.@_@ Man, I acted like a tourist in my own school.:P That was really funny.
Another funny thing: I took more "background" shots during the weekend compared to the rest of my years in the Ateneo put together. Guess my priorities then were quite different, since I liked getting people's photos more back then.
Anyway, here are some of the photos. Hope you enjoy these.:P
The Batibot Tree in all its Batibot-y glory
This can be found on the walkway from Gate 2.5 to Faura or CTC/SOM. It always reminds me of the stone altar where Aslan was killed in
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, for some reason.@_@
My favorite kind greenery (and I'm using the term loosely) on campus: the fire tree
The creepy statue of Fr. De La Costa, S.J. I love the Jesuits and all (thanks to them, I think like this today), but the statue's still disturbing.:O
Would you believe I fit quite comfortably under that footbridge, with lots of room to spare?:D That's one of my favorite college memories.:D
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