Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Very Memorable Birthday

This year’s birthday has got to be one of, if not the most memorable one I’ve had my entire life.
It’s not because it’s my twentieth, although that’s really a huge number in my opinion. After all, this officially ends my teenage years, but that’s not really why this one is very different from the others.

It’s not because this is the first birthday I had that I spent working. The past ones, I was in school or I was too young to remember anything. I ended up feeding cake and ice cream to my officemates, which gave almost all of us a really huge sugar rush. We giggled our way to following our HK bosses’ orders, which was actually quite effective. That would have made it really memorable, except that there was something else that happened that made this pale in comparison.

Quite simply, I received a gift… from the enemy. Now, a lot of people would think that that’s a good thing, because this would mean that bridges can be crossed. Some would even think that I’m so lucky that my foe was the one who made the attempt to close the gap between us. And, in all honesty, I do like receiving presents now and then. However, all these are not the case right now, because this enemy is the one who we’re supposed to declare spiritual warfare with. This is the one who’s caused us to fall time and again, and is always attempting to tear us away from our loving God. Y’all know who that is. What did he give me, you ask? From Wednesday onwards, I couldn’t eat normally, because I’d end up throwing up whatever stuff I ate. To prevent this from happening, I only had a few bites to eat per meal, which isn’t really satisfying to say the least. One of the saddest things during that experience was during my birthday dinner in a restaurant of a distant relative. Everyone was having quite a good time because the food was really, really good. I loved the taste of what I ordered (beef with mushroom sauce), but I had a major problem: I couldn’t eat it. The same with the dessert, which is actually my favorite part of every meal. Imagine incredibly yummy food in your face and you can’t eat it. It’s sheer torture. Go ahead and blame me for being a bit hedonistic, but really, is there anyone who can say s/he wants to eat horrible-tasting food? Of course not! By the end of the evening, a lot of people have noticed just how pale I was turning (I was valiantly trying hard not to puke because I was seated at the far end of the table, and I couldn’t get out without having to pass the others) and my lack of appetite (which is a very rare occasion), and they began voicing their concern. Problems like appendicitis and dengue fever cropped up, which didn’t really console me, but at least made me finally decide to go to the doctor the following day (I wasn’t able to go the past days because our bosses from HK were in the country). My mom actually wanted for us to go directly to the ER after the dinner, but I was against it. I didn’t want to have my birthday finale end up in the hospital.

The following day saw me confined to the hospital. There wasn’t any definite finding as of yet, but appendicitis is a prime suspect, which I’m paranoid about. I didn’t really enjoy the thought of having myself opened up for the world to see. I want my insides kept inside, thank you very much. Praise God it’s not that, after the initial tests were done, but on what my actual problem is, nothing’s really definite yet.

Today at noon, I’ve finally been released. This is after four lab tests, four huge dextrose packs, a number of med injections to my tubings (that made me feel like a plumber, for some reason), three doughnuts, several packs of juice, and two runs of Cheetah Girls. During that time, I’ve been starved (their term was “fasting,” but I beg to differ), prodded, and mistaken for a pregnant woman (I really need to lose weight, if that’s the case). I’m typing right now with my left hand swollen and the path of one of the veins quite obvious because it’s really red. I don’t know if that’s the result of my body gobbling up four large packs of glucose through IV, or if I have a weird allergic reaction to the medicine that they injected through the line.
The findings? An intestinal bacterial infection and a normal process that men would probably pale if they find out (women would probably be sympathetic, but they’d be thankful that they’re not one of the fortunate few who have to go through that). My tummy’s still feeling really weird. It’s not that it really hurts, it’s just that there’s this sort of pain in that general area that I can’t pinpoint which part exactly hurts. Hopefully, the medicine would take effect soon and rid me of this sensation, which is really not welcome. Still, all’s well that ends well. I take comfort in the fact that I didn’t need to be turned into dinuguan by the doctors.

Happy birthday, Lani.


gonewiththewave said...

hey, hope you recover fast.

jarletofclay said...

Hallow, Rianne!:D I'm doing ok now, thanks.:) Tummy's still a bit weird though.:O