Saturday, October 22, 2005

Animal Instinct

Heehee! Someone emailed me these, and I couldn't help but post 'em. Aren't they adorable?:D (Heehee! I am such a sucker for animals!) I ordinarily would go for dogs more than cats (although I like felines too :D), but these are just too cute! (And I am babbling like a freaky animal lover, which I probably am, anyway.:p)


Z said...

Omigosh! Cute fellas! hehe :D

Marley said...

I looooooooove the second picture! cute doggies! if only i'm not asthmatic and allergic to their fur... *schniff*

jarletofclay said...

Heehee! I'm asthmatic too, but that doesn't prevent me falling in love with animals.:D