Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry Potter mania

I have read, swallowed, and digested J.K. Rowling's sixth installment of the lovely series, the much-awaited "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." Can't believe I will say this, but this has got to be my favorite book of the lot. Honestly. I thought "Goblet of Fire" was great, put this definitely beats it. I read the entire book in about 8 hours (haha! I'm turning into such a slow reader), partly because I want to finish it, and partly because I really needed to study for Legal Method.:p Tempted to read it again, but I have way too much school stuff to read. Anyhow, here's my ranking for all six books:
1. "HP and the Half-Blood Prince"
2. "HP and the Goblet of Fire"
3. "HP and the Chamber of Secrets"
4. "HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
5. "HP and the Sorcerer's Stone"
6. "HP and the Order of the Phoenix"
I don't want to say anything more about the sixth book (for fear of my life!), but, borrowing from the film Ron Weasley's expression: "Wicked!"
Can't wait for Book 7.

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