Friday, July 28, 2006
Trip to Samar!
It's been quite some time since my previous post, so as a way of making up for it, the next few entries are a barrage of images from my trip to Samar (20-25 July 2006). It was such a great experience, especially with the trip to the beach. I managed to get bitten by a crab, taste a jellyfish, meet just about every cast member of Finding Nemo, among other fishies, while snorkeling, have a jellyfish swim directly in my face, acquire some gashes on my left leg (Lani the Klutz strikes again!), and fantasize that I'm on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm not much of a beach person, but I loved the island where we went to. It was absolutely lovely. There were virtually no waves (at least, not until you reach this area where surfers from all over the world apparently visit), there were so many fishies that you can see almost without trying, and it wasn't crowded! It's really a beautiful place, unspoiled by man and pollution.
I also beat my mom in videoke singing (don't ask), learned that shrieking is not necessarily the best way to try to get a high score from the said equipment, re-acquainted myself with the Waray dialect, got stranded in an airport for about eight hours, had my stomach digest my heart because of an awful plane trip (I so do not want to experience that ever again. Aside from the clenching of my internal organs, my thumb still hurts from the panic texting I did. Imagine the announcer telling the whole airport that your plane got diverted to another place because the weather in the area where you're in is way too dangerous at that moment), had my bottomless pit of a stomach resurrected for even just a few days, and used and abused my camera in its entire time spent with me. I would have posted more, but dial-up's not really the best connection in the whole wide world (check out the time differences between each post if you don't believe me.)
I also beat my mom in videoke singing (don't ask), learned that shrieking is not necessarily the best way to try to get a high score from the said equipment, re-acquainted myself with the Waray dialect, got stranded in an airport for about eight hours, had my stomach digest my heart because of an awful plane trip (I so do not want to experience that ever again. Aside from the clenching of my internal organs, my thumb still hurts from the panic texting I did. Imagine the announcer telling the whole airport that your plane got diverted to another place because the weather in the area where you're in is way too dangerous at that moment), had my bottomless pit of a stomach resurrected for even just a few days, and used and abused my camera in its entire time spent with me. I would have posted more, but dial-up's not really the best connection in the whole wide world (check out the time differences between each post if you don't believe me.)
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Samar Trip!
It's been quite some time since my previous post, so as a way of making up for it, the next few entries are a barrage of images from my trip to Samar (20-25 July 2006). It was such a great experience, especially with the trip to the beach. I managed to get bitten by a crab, taste a jellyfish, meet just about every cast member of Finding Nemo, among other fishies, while snorkeling, have a jellyfish swim directly in my face, acquire some gashes on my left leg (Lani the Klutz strikes again!), and fantasize that I'm on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm not much of a beach person, but I loved the island where we went to. It was absolutely lovely. There were virtually no waves (at least, not until you reach this area where surfers from all over the world apparently visit), there were so many fishies that you can see almost without trying, and it wasn't crowded! I also beat my mom in videoke singing (don't ask), learned that shrieking is not necessarily the best way to try to get a high score from the said equipment, re-acquainted myself with the Waray dialect, got stranded in an airport for about eight hours, had my stomach digest my heart because of an awful plane trip (I so do not want to experience that ever again. Aside from the clenching of my internal organs, my thumb still hurts from the panic texting I did. Imagine the announcer telling the whole airport that your plane got diverted to another place because the weather in the area where you're in is way too dangerous at that moment), had my bottomless pit of a stomach resurrected for even just a few days, and used and abused my camera in its entire time spent with me.
I would have posted more, but dial-up's not really the best connection in the whole wide world (check out the time differences between each post if you don't believe me.) Anyhow, here are a few, just for a sneak peek.:p
I would have posted more, but dial-up's not really the best connection in the whole wide world (check out the time differences between each post if you don't believe me.) Anyhow, here are a few, just for a sneak peek.:p
Artsy-Fartsy part 1
More Beach Photos
Ang Mga Pirata ng Samar
Ok, either I was still suffering from a hangover from the PotC: Dead Man's Chest or from an overactive imagination. Whichever way, don't these look like scenes from the film, specifically from the island with those weird tribesmen?:p
Ok, admittedly, there wasn't any scene with a raft in the film, but it still looks like it fits in the script pretty nicely, doesn't it?:p
The bend where Jack Sparrow came from, running away for his life.

Airport Blues part 1

Yes, do.

And fate smiled down on me and endowed me with a top-of-the-line camera that enabled me to shoot the entire airport with a single click. I wish. A picture of the airport's diorama.

The terminal area's resident psychotic frog. Sayang I wasn't able to take a shot of it when it was still trying to force the door open (seriously, it did).
Airport Blues part 2
Still stuck in the airport, and I was not sufficiently bored enough to stop taking snaps.:p

Bringer of Good News (which one I'm talking about, you decide.)
This does not look good.
This definitely does not look good.
So the stairs are there, but where's the plane? And did I mention that this really definitely does not look good (considering that it was only about 5:00 p.m. at that time)?
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